Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Herriman Utah

Check out the latest by visiting http://herrimanradio.wordpress.com/2012/04/09/herriman-utah-9/
Get news and events in Herriman. Herriman Utah is a happening place. Get more info at www.herrimanradio.com

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jerky On Us!

For 5 years I have enjoyed this simple service that allows you to get jerky for free every month.

visit http://www.fastlane.jerkydirect.com
All I did 5 years ago is enroll 6 people. I did that in my first week and so can you. You can get paid $2 per person by enrolling in the Jerky Direct monthly autoship program. Now there are No Contracts and No sign up fees. This means there is no risk. You will spend just $12+ shipping. This isn't breaking the bank. This simple program is a no brainer. You get six people to enroll for their free jerky and you get paid $12. This offsets the money you spent on the jerky. Now you can enroll as many people as you want.

There is no limit on how many people you enroll it can be 1 or 1000 you will simply be paid $2 per person. Now most networking comp. plans don't allow you to make money. There are always loop holes. With jerky Direct you don't have to keep recruiting. You can enroll 6 and because they keep buying jerky every month you are qualify for all the payments available.

There is nothing so simple. Simple translates into easy money. This is a walk away income. If you decide to stop building your team you can with no penalty as long as you keep purchasing $12 worth of jerky.

This is Simple. Go to www.fastlane.jerkydirect.com for the details and enroll today.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Leaders Follow Leaders

If you are not the top rep. who is? Leaders follow leaders. Who's following you? These are some questions you need to know and understand well. How many times have you been contacted by someone who keeps asking you to join their program. They keep bugging you, chasing you. Are you doing this to your friends? When you have too beg someone to join you, you'll have to keep doing that to get them to do anything. What if you attracted people to you? Leaders follow leaders. By learning how to attract other people to you, you will find that the leaders you are looking for will appear.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't contact other people because you can but make a contact, invite them and if they don't get it, don't chase them. Leave them alone and move on. Find other people who are looking for what you have. Don't try to convince anyone let them look at the facts and if they are ready they will join.

I want to share a website with you. Felisa Williams gets it very well. Her site is all about how we can't lead someone if we are chasing them. Visit www.felisawilliams.com enjoy.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Be Responsible

I want everyone to have health care. I want everyone to have food. I want everyone to have a nice home to live in. I want everyone to have a ski boat like mine. I want everyone to have a nice car or truck like mine. I want everyone to have beautiful mountains like mine, I want everyone to be able to fish in fresh waters like I do. I want everyone to have the best marriage like I have. I want everyone to a great childhood like I did. I want everyone to have a great business like I do. The problem is not everyone wants what I want. Millions of people are not willing to do what I have done to get what I have. We are responsible for our lives. When we realize this we don't need the government to take care of us. Instead we give of ourselves to get what we need and want. If I need more money I go find more business. I don't ask the government for a bailout. Times are tough but to turn it around we need to help each other. Give of yourself and share your wisdom. Help someone else don't force others to play your game. Let those who chose to play do so but let those who don't wish to play be on their own. Don't force them to play. Now I am all for protecting children and giving them the best education. Bring them up right and they should, most should be able to chose right from wrong. Bring back the dream of America, land of the free, home of the brave, a Nation under God. I know there is a billion avenues but we can only take one of them at a time. Which ever we take make it work. Since I am not a writer I don't know how to end my comments so I will say remember we are all on this ship together. We may as well find common ground, forgive each other and be thankful for everyone no matter what their beliefs.Love one another.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taking Action

Often we have opportunities hitting right in the face but there are so many. How do you decide which action to take? Everyday I receive 100's of emails asking me to participate in this program and that program. It is hard to see through all the clutter and figure out which one is the best opportunity for you right now. So what do you do? How do you know? Each one claims to make you money or happiness. Can they all be the best thing? I will tell you that there are 5 things to be aware of when making a decision on an opportunity.

1. If there is a deadline, this is a gimick to get you to buy now. Often after some time has passed you will look back and think why did I fall for that?

We all have an intinct that says timing is key to my success. Do some research, ask others what they think and think about the cost. Can you afford to invest in it?

2. Is it real? Often times the information you get isn't so real. It's just a buunch of information. Is the product real. Can you market it or can you share it with everyone. Sometimes the nitch is for just a small group of people that it isn't going to be worth your effort.

3. How long will it last? In a year from now will you be able to continue with this product or service? What about 5 years from now? You want a product that will last and in the future it should be just as good if not even better then when you started.

4. Will you feel good about the opportunity? There is some bad stuff out there. Pornography and anything dealing with children should raise a flag. Stay far away from any of this. Can you share this product with all your friends and relatives? You want products that improve others lives in some way and you want to feel good about sharing it with others.

5. Does the product sell itself? You don't want to be a salesman. You should just be a director. You show this video or that power point. You shouldn't have to be an expert. Because of the internet people can, should and will research what you are saying. If you tell them something that isn't exactly true even if your friend told you that it is the truth guess what? You will lose the sale. If a company video on the other hand explains everthing then you don't have to sell. You can coach and direct people to the product but you shouldn't be selling it. You shouldn't have to have expensive web sites either. Your company site and a blog site or two should be all that you need.

Take some time to investigate you opportunity. Once you have picked one take action. Work it until it works for you. Many people have so many options that they don't stick to it. The go from one to the other and never have success because there is always something else out there claiming to be the best. If it realy isn't working for you you just waisting your money then get out and do some more research.

There are many products and services that you are familiar with already so you don't have to market something that no one else has. This think about who sold you on toilet paper or gasoline? You already know what you want but what about the latest greatest pill that does a million things for you body and spirit. Keep it simple. Firends by from firends. I don't care if your prospects don't really know you. They will buy from someone they feel is their friend and not a slick car salesman with a product that will improve their love life for just $99 per month. Remember to take action. Don't ever sit there wishing away your dreams. Make it happen.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Learn How To Build Your Own Leads

After you have exausted your warm market you have to get more leads. I want to show you where you can learn how to build your own leads. Why is this important? The leads that you buy are no good. These leads are junk and often the people you call didn't even sign up for what you were told. Example you get leads and the provider says that these people signed up on a website that promoted home based business information. You call the lead and find out that the person never signed up for anything and wasn't expecting you to call. See what I mean. These are junk but when you control the source of the leads you know that they are fresh and are real. They arn't guaranteed but there is a greater chance that they want what you are looking for then the leads that you paid for.

So visit this sight to learn how to get your own leads that you generated by visiting http://mlmleads.fastlaneglobal.com

Have a great day!

Monday, January 11, 2010

2010 The Right Time For Financial Freedome

The time is right and you are in the right place. As the saying goes you are in the right place at the right time. Can you believe 2009 has ended? A year ago where did you picture yourself? I was unsure where we would be. My business could have fallen apart but it didn't. People really want to connect with other people. People want to exercise their body and spirit. I am so thankful and proud of everyone who stuck with their dreams no matter how big or small.

Now 2010 is here and we are off to a great start. In fact things are growing faster then ever before. Why? Because we have been through some tougher times. They could have been worse but it is the worst that I have seen as an adult and I think we are pulling through really well. Some say the worst is yet to come but that depends on what we decide to do. Do we believe what it being said on the late night news or do we understand that there are higher powers then those in the government. By taking action for yourself which also means taking responsibility for our self we can create the results that we desire.

So how is this done? First you need a crystal clear picture of what you want. I don't mean the car you want or the house that you want I mean in 12 months from now how do you want to feel. You may say happy or wise or rich. But what does being happy feel like? What is it that will make you happy? If we can figure out what it is then I think we can flip a switch and turn it on for you. We are happy if we want to be happy. So many people are looking for happiness or wisdom or wealth. It is all right in front of you.

We just need to learn how to take control of our thoughts and take control of our actions. Some people think buying something will make them happy. No this just gives us temporary pleasure. Ladies how often do you buy some new clothes and it make you feel good? How long does that last? How soon is it that you decide to buy something else to be happy again? You see stuff doesn't bring us happiness. So we need to define what makes us truly happy. Is it spending time with our kids or visiting a grandparent? Is it volunteering at the shelter or the school? Is it visiting an old folks home and just going around shaking their hands or talking to them and listening as they tell the story of their life. How about time in a hospital singing primary songs with little children. Maybe it's taking your wife on a date doing something that you haven't done in years or trying something new.

Once we define what happiness, wisdom and wealth really mean to you the next step is to write it all down. Write it somewhere so you can see it often. After you have written these things down then figure out a plan to achieve it. This is a difficult step but it is the road map to get you to where you want to be. So we have figured out the why, the road map is the things that you will do each day to bring happiness. If you need to write in your journal because it brings happiness then decide how often you will do this. Then decide when you will do this. If you are going to write in your journal every day is it in the morning or just before you go to bed? Is it at 6AM or 8PM? Decide when, how often, where you will do it, what do you need to do to find this time every day? Do you need to turn of the cell phone, tv,radio etc.. Make it clear exactly what you need and write this down as well.

Buy planning out your day you will find that you have time to do those things that really bring you happiness, wisdom and wealth. You may decide to read for an hour every day or three times a week. Imagine what you will learn by feeding your mind with good books. Learn how to do something new. Take pictures, paint, play the piano or fix a bicycle. Learning new things brings us happiness.

Make sure you do some sort of exercise. I don't care if you are 400 pounds or are the same weight from your high school cheerleader days you need exercise. Everyone needs exercise. This isn't just about your weight. You need stronger muscles, stronger bones and a stronger heart. I hear people everyday asking if I am suggesting that they are fat. No, it isn't just about being skinny. This is about strength. Exercising three times a week for just 30 minutes each time will add several years to your life. This also exercises your mind because when you know that you are doing something that you know is the right thing to do your brain says "that feels good" and you get physical pleasure from it and this is happiness.

Now I want to talk about being spiritual. Inside of you is a voice. This voice tells you what to do and if we listen to it it will guide you and attract the things that you want. This voice is the spirit inside you telling you what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes we don't listen to it and find ourselves in situations that we don't want to be in. When we feel guilt it is because we didn't listen to our spirit. The spirit can only guide because we have the ability to choose to listen to it or not listen to it. By spending time listening to the spirit or meditating we are able to clear our thoughts and get the focus we need to achieve our dreams.

When it comes to wealth you need to do all these things because your success will increase when you take the time to feed body and spirit. Now that you know what makes you happy figure out how much it would cost you to do those things that bring you happiness. If you need more time in order to volunteer or money to buy a book figure out how much. We aren't here on this earth to be a laborer. We are here to be the best laborer we can be. By helping others and serving others we will get the wealth that we need so that we can accomplish those things that we were meant to do. There is a monetary cost for this so figure out what it is. If you had an extra 5 or 10 thousand dollars per month could you spend more time helping others. Do you understand what I mean. Write down how much money it would take to achieve your dream. Again this is not cars, clothes or houses this is time volunteering or doing the things that make you happy.

Now that you know all these things, look for the opportunities around you that can help you achieve your plans. If you don't have anything or don't know what to do I will help you but only if you want to. I would be proud to work with you step by step to help you accomplish your plans. You can more free information that I have put together to help thousands of people who want more in life then just going home to work everyday and living paycheck to paycheck. I will help you for 60 days at no extra charge. Together we can build you self a new path that will bring the happiness that you have planned. Visit http://lifestyle.fastlaneglobal.com and I will give you my road map to success absolutely free.

You can have more time and money so that you can achieve your plans. You see happiness can be yours today when you have a plan and you are acting on that plan. While taking action on your plan you will also receive the financial freedom that you desire. Financial freedom is a dream for most people and to get it we have to be working on it. Most people don't work on it only because they don't know how to accomplish it. That is why I am making this available to anyone for free for 60 days. I don't need a credit card or anything I am just going to make it available to you for free. No obligations. I know that if I help you to achieve your plans that you will want to continue with me at no cost. It is totally up to you.

Have a great day!

Click Here for your Free Information